
Math cafe

Please remember that we have a math-cafe where you can get help with your unsolved exercises (provided you have signed up as described here). Next session is:

  • MS Teams: Thursday 25/4 16:15–17:15 on MS Teams.


This course builds upon the curriculum from high school. Hence, it is important to be very familiar with this material. If you have the need for repetition, Rob Ghrist's Coursera course 'Calculus 1 variable' may be a good help in addition to revisiting problems from high school.

Math cafe

Do you have a hard time understanding linear algebra and/or calculus at the first study year, and are you determined to do something about it?

Then Math cafe is just the right thing for you. It is held online on selected dates on all three campi. Dates and times are listed below. You must enroll in the team with the code fx86w0k.

It is an extra possibility for getting help with maths. A teaching assistant is available to help you with exercises from the last few lectures.

Always write a minimum of 24 hours in advance if you need help, and also specify which exercises you need help with. It is important to complete this step. The reason being that different study programmes have different exercises, so the teaching assistants cannot be expected to help unless they have had time to prepare.

Consider in advance what you want to ask the teaching assistants and how you are going to pose the question via Teams (do you want to write something on paper, upload in image, or something third).

Use the channel for the relevant date – that is the channel the teaching assistants keep an eye on.


Currently the allocated dates are (will be updated throughout the semester):

  • Thursday 15/2 16:15–17:15 on MS Teams.
  • Thursday 22/2 16:15–17:15 on MS Teams.
  • Thursday 29/2 16:15–17:15 on MS Teams.
  • Thursday 7/3 16:15–17:15 on MS Teams.
  • Thursday 14/3 16:15–17:15 on MS Teams.
  • Thursday 21/3 16:15–17:15 on MS Teams.
  • Thursday 4/4 16:15–17:15 on MS Teams.
  • Thursday 11/4 16:15–17:15 on MS Teams.
  • Thursday 18/4 16:15–17:15 on MS Teams.
  • Thursday 25/4 16:15–17:15 on MS Teams.
  • Thursday 2/5 16:15–17:15 on MS Teams.
  • Thursday 16/5 16:15–17:15 on MS Teams.
  • Thursday 23/5 16:15–17:15 on MS Teams.

Information for re-examinees

Lectures are streamed and saved as a video. Check Moodle to find links to the individual lectures. Links to the Moodle pages of different blocks are given below.

You are allowed to participate in the exercise sessions, but you are only allowed to sit in the common areas.

Description of blocks

Block 1 (Moodle page)

Functions of several variables. The topics correspond loosely to lectures 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 from the old course as well as the self-study session on Taylor-polymomials.

Block 2 (Moodle page)

Space curves. The topics correspond loosely to lectures 3, 4 from the old course.

Block 3 (Moodle page)

Integration. The topics correspond loosely to lectures 10, 11, 12, 13 from the old course.

Block 4 (Moodle page)

Complex numbers. The topics correspond loosely to lectures 14, 15 from the old course.

Block 5 (Moodle page)

Differential equations. The topics correspond loosely to lectures 16, 17, 18 from the old course.

Block 6 (Moodle page)

Optimization. The topics expand upon lecture 7 from the old course.

Block 8 (Moodle page)

Laplace. The topics correspond to parts of calculus aimed at electronics in the old course.

Training exercises

Self studies may be found at Pearson's platform. Access can be purchased via Factum Books.

A number of training apps are also available.

Hjælpelærere under eksamensforberedelsen

Der er mulighed for at få hjælp gruppevist af hjælpelærere i perioden op til eksamen. Dette er organiseret i MS Teams hvor I tilmelder jer med koden icvhdv8 (man går ind under “alle Teams” og øverst til højre klikker man på ikonet “deltag i eller opret et team”/ “join or create a team”, og herefter kan man logge ind med sin kode.)

Der er hjælp til rådighed i forskellige tidsrum på udvalgte dage i januar. Skemaet for hjælpen findes under punktet “Filer” i toppen af teamet, hvor oversigten over eksamensforberedelse ligger.

Hjælpen består af spørgetid, hvor man kan stille spørgsmål indenfor kurset og få hjælp til konkrete opgaver. Der tages udgangspunkt i de workshops der danner grundlag for eksamen. Hjælpelærerne kender ikke nødvendigvis alle workshops i alle detaljer, så man bedes spørge i god tid og det kan være man får besked om at spørgsmålet først kan besvares senere.

Inde i Teamet har I selv mulighed for at oprette en ny kanal ved at klikke på “More”/“Mere” (de tre prikker ved Teamets navn) og vælge “Add channel”/“Tilføj kanal”. Hver gruppe bedes oprette en og kun en kanal navngivet med studieretning og gruppenr. f.eks. “MATØK - B306”. Når man har brug for hjælp går man ud i kanalen “General” og skriver i chatten: ”@Hjælp @MATØK - B306”. Ved at bruge “@Hjælp” får hjælpelærerne en notifikation om at der er nogen der skal bruge hjælp og ved @MATØK - B306 opstår der et link direkte til gruppens kanal som hjælpelæreren så kan trykke på når vedkommende har tid til at hjælpe.

I løbet af perioden varierer bemandingen efter hvornår vi forventer behovet er størst, så ventetiden kan variere en del. Sørg gerne for at forberede jer i god tid, så I ikke bliver fanget af lang kø til hjælpelærerne sidste dag før eksamen.