The first.math-pages contain resources which are used in connection
with the first year math teaching at the Faculty of Technology and
Science and the Faculty of Health Sciences at Aalborg University.
The idea behind the first.math-pages is that you as a student
can find material which supplements the teaching. This includes small
movies, pencasts, screencasts, supplementary exercises, review slides
etc. You can return to these resources as needed, both during the
first year but also later on in your studies.
The resources have been created by colleagues at the
Department of Mathematical Sciences with financial support from
School of Engineering and Science (SES),
School of Information and Communication Technology (SICT),
School of Architecture, Design and Planning (SADP) and
School of Medicine and Health (SMH).
We hope that you as a student will find these ressources valuable in your studies.
Best regards
Søren Højsgaard
Head of Department, Department of Mathematical Sciences